Mientras continuamos lamentando la pérdida del Padre Christopher Roberts, esperamos dar la bienvenida al Padre Theodore 'Ted' Rothrock como nuestro nuevo pastor. El Padre Ted es un hombre amable y cariñoso, que aporta muchos años de experiencia pastoral y un amor genuino por Jesucristo y Su Iglesia. El Obispo, en consulta con el Comité Asesor del Personal del Clero (que está compuesto por clérigos y laicos) nombró al Padre Ted como Pastor Misionero de San Pablo, Marion para comenzar el 1 de Noviembre de 2020. Un Pastor Misionero es alguien que ama a Jesús profundamente y desea compartir el mensaje salvador de Jesús en su oficio de enseñanza, oficio de santificación y oficio de administración. Todas estas son cualidades que encarna el Padre Ted y es bien conocido en toda la diócesis por encarnar. La experiencia pastoral del padre Ted es extensa; Ha servido en la diócesis durante más de 35 años de muchas maneras: como pastor asociado, como director de la oficina pastoral de adoración y formación de adultos y como pastor de St. Patrick en Oxford. Más recientemente, el Padre Ted se desempeñó como pastor de St. Elizabeth Seton en Carmel durante 22 años, donde es conocido por supervisar el tremendo crecimiento de feligreses y en el desarrollo del campus parroquial. Como familia de fe, deseamos un pastor que sea amoroso, genuino y que abrace plenamente los mensajes del Evangelio. Nuestra propia fe cristiana nos enseña a tener un corazón que perdona y a amarnos unos a otros como Jesús nos amó. Ninguno de nosotros está libre de fallas o imperfecciones y el padre Ted no es una excepción; por eso confiamos en el amor redentor de Jesucristo y Su salvación. En San Pablo nos hacemos eco de los mismos sentimientos que el Padre Ted compartió a principios de esta semana: rechazamos de todo corazón el racismo y cualquier cosa que nos separe de abrazar plenamente los mensajes del Evangelio. Confiamos en que el Padre Ted traerá amor, amabilidad y sabiduría a las familias y estudiantes de San Pablo. Tenemos la bendición de haber recibido un nuevo pastor durante nuestro tiempo de tragedia. Pedimos que todos permanezcan en oración, respetuosos y esperanzados durante nuestro tiempo de dolor y transición.
As we continue to grieve the loss of Father Christopher Roberts, we are looking forward to welcoming Father Theodore ‘Ted’ Rothrock as our new pastor. Father Ted is a kind and caring man, who brings many years of pastoral experience and a genuine love for Jesus Christ and His Church. The Bishop, in consultation with the Clergy Personnel Advisory Committee (which is comprised of both clergy and laity) appointed Father Ted as Missionary Pastor of St. Paul, Marion to begin November 1, 2020. A Missionary Pastor is someone who loves Jesus very deeply and desires to share the saving message of Jesus in his teaching office, sanctifying office, and his office of administration. These are all qualities that Father Ted embodies and is well known throughout the diocese for embodying. Father Ted’s pastoral experience is extensive; he has served in the diocese for over 35 years in many ways—as an associate pastor, as director of the pastoral office of worship and adult formation and as pastor of St. Patrick in Oxford. Most recently, Father Ted served as pastor of St. Elizabeth Seton in Carmel for 22 years where he is known for overseeing tremendous growth in parishioners and in developing the parish campus. As a faith family, we desire a pastor that will be loving, genuine and who fully embraces the messages of the Gospel. Our very own Christian faith teaches us to have a heart of forgiveness and to love one another as Jesus loved us. None of us are without fault or imperfection and Father Ted is no exception; that is why we trust in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ and His salvation. We at St. Paul echo the same sentiments that Father Ted shared earlier this week—we wholeheartedly reject racism and anything that separates us from fully embracing the messages of the Gospel. We are confident that Father Ted will bring love, kindness and wisdom to the families and students of St. Paul. We are blessed to have received a new pastor during our time of tragedy. We ask that everyone remain prayerful, respectful and hopeful during our time of grief and transition.
El Obispo se complace en anunciar al Padre Theodore Rothrock como el nuevo Pastor Misionero de la familia del Pastorado de San Pablo, Marion. El Padre Rothrock comenzará su servicio el domingo 1 de noviembre. Recientemente sirvió durante más de 20 años como Pastor de Santa Elizabeth Seaton en Carmel, y antes de eso sirvió en otras asignaciones diocesanas y pastorales. “La extensa experiencia pastoral del Padre Rothrock en nuestra diócesis le ha permitido pastorear, guiar y cuidar a muchas personas en una serie de situaciones,” dijo el Obispo Doherthy. “Estoy seguro de que podrá ayudar a la familia de fe de San Pablo después de la trágica pérdida del Padre Roberts. Acojamos al padre Rothrock co una calurosa bienvenida, por medio de sus oraciones y de su amabilidad y permitan que el Espíritu Santo les ayude durante todo este tiempo de transición.” Para obtener más información, abra esta noticia.
Bishop Doherty is pleased to announce Father Theodore Rothrock as the new Missionary Pastor for the St. Paul, Marion Pastorate faith family. Father Rothrock will begin his service on Sunday, November 1. He most recently served for over 20 years as pastor of St. Elizabeth Seton in Carmel, and prior to that he served in other diocesan and pastoral assignments. “Father Rothrock’s extensive pastoral experience in our diocese has allowed him to shepherd, guide and care for many people through a number of situations,” said Bishop Doherty. “I feel confident he will be able to help the St. Paul faith family work through the tragic loss of Father Roberts. Please join me in welcoming Father Rothrock with your prayers and kindness and allow the Holy Spirit to help you all through this time of transition.” For more information open this news story.
As I sit here reflecting on the changes our parish family has felt over the last weeks, I recall some of my last conversations with Father Christopher. He was excited to serve his parishioners in new ways since his school work was completed and often told the staff “You are going to see a side of me you’ve never seen before“. He was feeling challenged to get parishioners back to Mass, especially families...
We have invited Father Kevin Hurley, pastor at Holy Family in Gas City, St. John in Hartford City and St. Mary in Dunkirk, to share his thoughts as this week’s letter.
The Rite of Committal for Father Christopher Roberts will be held on Monday, October 19, 2020, at 2:00 PM EST at St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery in Union City, Indiana. Those in attendance are asked to wear a mask. Please continue to pray for the repose of the soul of Father Christopher and that comfort and strength continue to surround his parents, siblings, extended family, friends and the parishioners he served.
Today, St. Paul Church in Marion and the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana released a joint statement on the circumstances surrounding Father Christopher Roberts’ death.
The arrangements for Father Christopher Roberts are now available. Please note that there will be a private funeral Mass; however, it will be live-streamed on our website, Facebook page and YouTube channel.
It is with a heavy heart we inform you that Father Christopher Roberts did not show up for 5:00 PM Mass this evening. He was found deceased in the rectory. Arrangements are in the beginning stages. Information will be shared as it becomes available...
Así como cambian las estaciones, también cambian las necesidades de la parroquia. Tenemos una necesidad. ¿Puedes llenarlo? Entendemos que algunos feligreses no se sienten cómodos o no pueden ser voluntarios en áreas que tenían en el pasado. Esto nos ha llevado a pedir a todos en nuestra comunidad parroquial que consideren cómo comparten su tiempo y talento. Pregúntese: “¿Estoy siendo llamado a servir? ¿Cómo?" Especialmente necesitamos ujieres, lectores, monaguillos, sacristanes, ministros eucarísticos de la Sagrada Comunión, músicos y acomodadores funerarios. Cada uno tiene diferentes requisitos y responsabilidades. Si anteriormente se ha ofrecido como voluntario en un ministerio, considere volver a él o, si lo prefiere, ofrecerse como voluntario de una manera nueva. Si no se ha ofrecido previamente como voluntario, piense cómo puede contribuir. Llame a la oficina parroquial (765-664-6345) o envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] para informarnos si necesita alejarse de un ministerio anterior, si está listo para regresar a un ministerio anterior o si puede ayudar a satisfacer una necesidad. respondiendo al llamado de la corresponsabilidad en nuestra comunidad parroquial.
Just as the seasons change, so do the needs of the parish. We have a need. Can you fill it? We understand that some parishioners are not comfortable or able to volunteer in areas they have in the past. This has led us to ask everyone in our parish community to consider how you share your time and talent. Ask yourself, “Am I being called to serve? How?” We are especially in need of ushers, readers, altar servers, sacristans, Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion, musicians and funeral ushers. Each has different requirements and responsibilities. If you have previously volunteered in a ministry, please consider returning to it or, if you prefer, volunteering in a new way. If you have not volunteered previously, please think about how you can give. Please call the parish office (765-664-6345) or email [email protected] to let us know if you need to step away from a previous ministry, are ready to return to a previous ministry or if you can help fill a need by answering the call of stewardship in our parish community.