Do you wonder what Roman Catholics believe in? Do you ever wonder what the basis is for what they believe? St. Paul Catholic Church will be starting a new Bible study called Genesis to Jesus. We will study the Bible and its plot - salvation history, the story of human salvation unfolding in history according to God’s plan.
Enjoy lunch or dinner out Wednesday, November 13th starting at 11:00 a.m. at Applebee's in Marion and help support our parish school. All you need to do is provide your server with a voucher and 15 percent of your bill will help our school. Printed vouchers are available in the Narthex of the Church or you may print one when you open this news story.
St. Paul Catholic Parish is pleased to announce that we now have the option to contribute to the parish through online giving. We have teamed up with WeShare from Liturgical Publications. LPi has been a wonderful partner for many parishes besides us, their reputation is sterling.