Do you know a parishioner who is homebound or in a nursing facility? If so, we need your help to update our parish list. The information provided will help our High School Youth Group as they begin a month long ministry to those who are homebound or in a nursing facility.
Were you out of town and missed Father Christopher’s homily last week? Now you can listen to it in our parish app! To do this open the parish app and tap on the lower right-hand corner to open the “More” menu. Scroll through the list and tap “Homilies”. To see a listing of audio and/or written copy of recent and previous homilies all you have to do is tap on the “Fr. Roberts’ Homilies” green button. Now you can listen to the one you missed or even listen to one again!
Preschool serves as an environment for children to develop skills that are essential for future success, both academically and socially. Affording preschool can be a challenge for families.
During his homily yesterday, Father Christopher challenged us to start reading scripture. Today he shares his recommendations of Bibles that may help you with this, both for adults and children.
Next Sunday, October 27, 2019, Bishop Timothy Doherty will be celebrating the 10:00 a.m. Mass at St. Paul Catholic Church. Following Mass, there will a time for fellowship in the Narthex with refreshments available.
I wanted to give you an update on some special projects on which I have been working that you may not normally associate with the work of your parish priest...
Did you know you can find daily readings in the parish app? Once you open the parish app, scroll down the “Home” screen to find “Daily Reading”. Tap on it to access today’s readings along with previous ones. You can also access “Daily Reading” through the “More” menu in the lower right-hand corner of the parish app.
During the homily this weekend, we reflected on living the grace of baptism in terms of doing battle with the seven deadly sins by embracing the beatitudes. Here is a concise summary:...
Reminders can help us stay connected and the parish app can do just that! Once in the parish app, tap on the lower right-hand corner to open the “More” menu. Tab on “Message Settings”. Toggle the button next to each group you would like to receive notifications from to show green. Be sure to check your phone’s settings to insure that notifications are allowed from the parish app. Note that “General” is the group to be a part of to receive information for all parish activities. If you are willing to pray for those requesting it, join the “Prayer Chain” to receive notices about praying for others. Readers, altar servers, ushers, youth group, young adults and more…there is a something for everyone! Join as many groups as you would like and stay connected with your parish!
Each year St. Paul Catholic School offers a variety of greenery items for sale to raise funds for a specific need at the school. This year the funds raised will go to the school's Technology Fund where it will used for a variety of improvements in technology including the replacement of outdated student computers used in the classroom for one-to-one instruction.
This parish app is a great place to find information you may need. If you are a reader, altar server, greeter or extraordinary minister of Holy Communion and can't recall when you are scheduled, the parish app can help. After you open the app, tap "More" in the lower right-hand corner. Scroll through the list of cards in this menu. Tap on "Ministers Calendar". Tap on the link to the ministries calendar and a PDF of the server schedule will open for your convenience. Now your schedule is right at your fingertips!
St. Paul Catholic School Students are now taking orders for flavored popcorn and candy. You may order from any student or contact the School Office (765-662-2883). The order deadline is October 14th.
In celebration and appreciation for all of the time and talent our parishioners and school families share with the parish, the staff at St. Paul will be serving a Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on Tuesday, October 15th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in McCarthy Hall.