April 5, 2024
- Deacon Bob will be having a Bible Study on the Creation Stories of Genesis on Tuesday, April the 16th, from 6:30pm-8pm in McCarthy Hall.
- This Tuesday evening the school will be having an Open House from 5pm to 7pm for all current, newly enrolled, or potential
St. Paul families. Everyone is welcome to attend.
- St. Paul School is selling Eclipse glasses for $5 each after 10am Mass on Sunday. All proceeds go towards the school’s science curriculum.
- Also after Mass, we will have Anointing of the Sick and a second collection for the St. Martin Center.
4pm Saturday, April 6th
Sacristan: Judy Rodriguez
Ushers: Lucas Pietrzak, David Alleman
Readers: Mike Spitzer, Jennifer Alleman
Alter Servers: Jazzy Allman, Judy Rodriguez
EMHC: Rodney Faulk, Judy Rodriguez
10am Sunday, April 7th
Sacristan: Mary Jo & Larry Parlee
Ushers: Andy Raih, Mike Greenwald, Jason Miller, Randy Miller
Readers: Sharon Sciaudone, Craig Persinger
Altar Servers: Andrew Miller, Sydney Nguyen, Carter Miller, Anthony Nguyen
EMHC: Ron & Kay Trautvetter