In "The Eucharist in Scripture”, discover God’s plan as it is expressed through the Bible and the Mass. This six-lesson study, presented by Pamela Kuczora featuring (in dvd) Dr. Scott Hahn, will unlock the meaning of covenant, sacrifice and sacrament as understood in the Bible, from Genesis through Revelation. The study bases itself on Dr. Hahn’s foundational talks: “The Lamb’s Supper,” “The Fourth Cup,” and “Consuming the Word”. "The Eucharist in Scripture” examines the biblical foundations of the Eucharist and explores the Church’s liturgy as the original context for the books of the Bible.
Registration is $10 to cover part of the cost of the workbook. Please send $10 to St. Paul Parish 1031 Kem Road, Attn Pam Kuczora, Marion, IN 46952. Indicate how many workbooks you want and who is participating as we understand some couples share workbooks. If this is a hardship, please contact the parish office (765-664-6345).
Please invite your friends - this is open to everyone, not only Catholics. If you have been wondering about what Catholics believe (or are supposed to believe), be sure to join us!