Have you or someone you know thought about becoming Catholic? The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is how the Roman Catholic Church welcomes and teaches those who will journey into full communion with Jesus Christ and His Church! Our first "Breaking Open the Word" dismissal session for the new season of RCIA will be during the 10:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, September 13. To learn about starting RCIA, please call the parish office (765-664-6345). Have you ever considered sharing or deepening your faith by either sponsoring someone entering the Church OR actually being a catechist (teacher)? If so, please consider the RCIA. You don't need a theology degree or a wealth of personal knowledge about the Catholic faith because we have lots of easy materials to use. All you need is an honest wish to help those who want to join us at the table of the Lord. You can do it by yourself or with a friend or spouse. Share your Catholic faith with those who are searching for their own! If you want to know more about the options, please call the parish office (765-664-6345).