One was for approximately $252,000 from the Merlin J. Loew Trust for school repairs and improvements. Another was for $106,000 from Fr. Grace's estate. In light of the economic forecast for Grant County and the challenges that we face as a parish moving forward, receiving these gifts deepens our commitment to continuing the legacy of offering an excellent Catholic education in our parish school. I thank the parish fincnce council in advance for all of the advice they will provide on how best to put these gifts to work. These bequests are a good reminder of the wonderful way in which one can leave a legacy by remembering Saint Paul in one's will.
We continue to move forward as a parish operating with the philosophy that one cannot budget expecting bequests. Sunday offertory covers our normal operating expenses. Thanks to all of you who have increased your sacrificial giving in the past months. We are making significant progress toward being able to operate in the black in the July 2019-2020 fiscal year with two priests assigned to this parish cluster. We remain at around 70% of our Fruitful Harvest goal and will have to write a check to the diocese for around $40,000 in 2020 if we do not receive more pledges.
Money serves our mission to proclaim the Gospel. With the completion of the narthex project a month ago and as our financial situation has begun to stabilize in the past months, I have been able to focus more of my time and energy on advancing our parish's mission. I don't know about you, but that brings great joy to my soul.