It is with a heavy heart we inform you that Father Christopher Roberts did not show up for 5:00 PM Mass this evening. He was found deceased in the rectory.
Arrangements are in the beginning stages. Information will be shared as it becomes available.
For now let us pray for the repose of the soul of Father Roberts and that comfort and strength be given to his parents, siblings, extended family, friends and Holy Family and St. Paul parish families. Let us also pray for one another.
Father Roberts was 41 years old and a priest of Jesus Christ for 13 years.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. Requiescat in pace.
Information regarding Mass tomorrow and this week:
* Sunday, October 11 at 10:00 AM there will be outdoor Mass in the parking lot between the church and the school. Bring a chair or blanket.
* Following Mass, a counselor will be available for parents of school children for guidance on how to speak with your child.
* Sunday, October 11 at 5:00 PM Mass will be in the church.
* Mass will not be celebrated at St. Paul October 12 through October 16.
* The Volunteer Drive-thru Dinner scheduled for October 13 has been canceled.